Hiking is a sport, and also a relatively long sport. Some activities may last for several days. Therefore, we must make various preparations before hiking, among which food is a must. We must also prepare a lot of daily necessities before hiking. Some friends will spend the night in the mountains when hiking, so there must be a list of various items. Let us find out what food is suitable for hiking? 1. Water and bread. Choose mineral water so that you won’t get more thirsty the more you drink. It’s best to have more than two bottles and a bag of bread. Just choose according to your own appetite. These two are the simplest combination and can meet basic problems. 2. Snack foods. For example, shrimp crackers, potato chips, biscuits, etc. If you feel like it, you can also bring a bag of melon seeds, sit down and eat them while enjoying the beautiful scenery. But be sure to prepare a bag and don't spit out the seeds! ! When purchasing, please pay attention to the production date and don't buy expired products. 3. Packaged meat foods, such as braised eggs, chicken feet or chicken legs, ham, hot dogs, fish, pork jerky, and beef jerky. These can satisfy all of you meat-loving friends. 4. If you plan to spend the night in the mountains, you can also prepare one or two bottles of beer. In addition to making yourself happier, it can also keep away the cold. Because the mountain wind is quite strong at night and it can be very cold even in summer, so drinking some wine is a good choice. 5. Bento. Friends who must eat every day can make a small lunch box in advance. If you don’t have time to make it, buying some sushi is also a good idea. 6. Fruits, such as apples or peaches. Of course, considering the backpack's carrying system, don't choose fruits that are too big or too heavy. For example, it is obviously impossible to bring a watermelon to climb a mountain. Because climbing will cause wear and tear, it is best not to bring fruits that easily perish (grapes, bananas, etc.). 7. Emergency food supplies. You can bring some chocolate or compressed biscuits. Why should you bring chocolate? Because chocolate is a food for replenishing energy in an emergency, not for eating when you are bored. In case you have nothing to eat, you can only eat chocolate. The above is an introduction to what food is suitable for hiking. This is also a perfect diet. When hiking, we need to pay attention to reducing our belongings as much as possible. After all, it is a sport that involves time, endurance, and physical strength. Too many things will affect our mood and physical strength when hiking. We also need to pay attention to making sure our clothes are suitable. |
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