Autumn and spring are the most suitable seasons for outdoor mountaineering. Mountaineering has many benefits to the body. It is not only good for health, but also allows you to practice your body's strength and increase your immunity. However, for many friends who are mountaineering for the first time, don't ignore a few equipment points. Camping equipment is very important when going out. So what are the outdoor mountaineering equipment? What the other speakers said are all good, but most climbers ignore some key points about equipment. You must pay attention to them because in the wild, equipment represents life. Bad or insufficient equipment can cost lives in extreme cases. First of all, the thing you need to solve in the wild is water. You must bring a water bottle, but don’t use a mineral water bottle. The plastic material of that thing is unhealthy and polluting. As for water sources, the water from many rivers in the deep mountains can be drunk directly, because the deep mountains are far away from human habitation and there is no industrial pollution. As long as the water is clear, it can be drunk. Secondly, you need an ignition device. It is best not to bring a ZIPPO, because the sealing of the ZIPPO is not good, and the oil will evaporate over time. It will be very annoying if it fails to ignite. It is best to carry a magnesium flint, which is cheap and easy to use. There are also necessary medicines. First of all, there are three kinds of oral medicines for colds, coughs and diarrhea. You can buy them according to your usual habits. Next are trauma medicines, Band-Aids and adhesive bandages, as well as alcohol for disinfection (alcohol cotton pads or alcohol cotton balls, which are easy to carry). There is also safflower oil, which can treat bruises and insect bites. In addition to safflower oil, cooling oil will also work, but cooling oil cannot treat bruises. The last and most important thing is a knife. Any knife will do. Many experienced wilderness explorers carry a knife, which is the most important tool in the wild. I have never understood why many people don’t bring a knife when they go hiking or camping. When asked why, they say it’s because they think it’s dangerous or impractical. But please remember: a knife is the most important prop in the wild. Although you don’t know what it is used for, at the critical moment, when you urgently need a knife but don’t have one, remember that you can’t find a substitute in nature (the only things that can replace a knife for cutting in nature are flint and a few animals such as shark teeth), so you must bring a knife, even a fake Swiss Army knife is better than nothing. The most important thing when going hiking outdoors is to bring some medical supplies to prevent diarrhea or wound infection caused by insect and mosquito bites. In addition, you must take preventive measures, bring your own water, and do not drink water that is polluted, so as to avoid drinking water with pathogens that may cause abdominal pain and diarrhea. |
<<: What kind of equipment do you need for mountaineering in winter?
>>: What equipment do you need for outdoor mountaineering?
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