Sit-ups are a form of exercise that trains the upper body muscles. It is an exercise that can help lose weight and burn calories. Generally, one sit-up can burn 100 calories, but you cannot burn calories by doing sit-ups. You can do it by running, which can burn more calories. If you want to consume calories in your body, it is more appropriate to do aerobic exercise, otherwise you will become obese. Sit-ups don't burn a lot of calories! We say that doing sit-ups can consume calories and burn fat, so many people who want to lose weight around their waists and stomachs are determined to do sit-ups to lose weight, but I have to tell you this cruel fact: the calories you actually consume by doing 100 sit-ups are only 1,000 calories. It is not reliable to burn calories by sit-ups! Maybe you don’t know what 1000 calories means. What if I tell you that if you do 100 sit-ups, you can actually make up for all the calories you consumed in an hour by just eating a bite of rice, a small piece of instant noodles, a small corner of a sweet bread, a mouthful of yogurt, etc.! You may feel like you will never love again, but this is indeed the fact. So, if you plan to use sit-ups to burn excess calories in your body, I advise you to give up this idea. Because the results are really minimal. How to burn more calories If you want to effectively consume the calories in your body, you still need to insist on aerobic exercise, but be careful not to over-exercise. If you want to burn calories better, in addition to formal aerobic exercise, you can also use small movements in daily life to help burn calories. For example, take the stairs instead of the elevator. Tips However, sit-ups are not completely unhelpful for weight loss. Not only can they stimulate the abdominal muscles, but they can also drive the movement of muscles throughout the body. It is a good whole-body aerobic exercise. |
<<: Can I still do sit-ups if my stomach hurts?
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