The weather is cold in winter and people generally don’t like to go out, but the cold winter cannot stop mountain climbing enthusiasts. The weather and roads are not very good in winter, so what are the things you need to pay attention to when hiking in winter? It is very necessary to make preparations in advance and take some precautions when hiking in winter. Here we will tell you what to pay attention to when hiking. Check the weather forecast and mountain conditions in advance This is the first thing we need to remind everyone. Generally, outdoor activities are organized half a month or three weeks in advance. Otherwise, the activity cannot be carried out without inviting so many people to participate. Therefore, all you need to know is the weather forecast for about a week. Once you find out that the weather forecast is not suitable for hiking, you must stop immediately and choose another time. In addition, you should also pay attention to the conditions in the mountains. If you go hiking in an unfamiliar mountain, you must consult the locals in advance, that is, you must check the location accurately! Choose a suitable hiking route and ensure you have enough time Generally, there are predetermined climbing routes, so if you have different opinions from the team, you must raise them in time. If everyone thinks it is feasible after discussion, then join in. If it is not feasible, cancel it. Never have any ideas in your mind and then implement them alone when you go climbing. In addition, the days are short and the nights are long in winter, so you must control your time in advance to avoid the mountaineering route being longer than the controlled time. A series of equipment for mountain climbing must be prepared Many people know that when climbing a mountain, you must prepare your own equipment, the more professional the better. I don’t know if you have ever carried the most comprehensive mountaineering equipment. I have carried it once or twice. Because the distribution is relatively balanced, it is acceptable. And it feels very good to be able to get whatever you want. It is best to choose to go with a partner or friend and avoid climbing alone. Over the years, there have been many accidents when people went hiking alone, so you must have someone to take care of you, that is, make an appointment with friends or friends who love hiking. If you want to have a better experience, you can ask local people who are familiar with the mountain you want to climb to lead the way. Because hiking in winter is more dangerous, it is not recommended to go hiking in winter, especially after snowing. Before we go hiking, we must communicate with our family to let them know where we are going and when we will return home, so as to avoid worrying our family and friends. When we go hiking, we must also calculate the time well, because it gets dark early in winter. |
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