Since young people nowadays like adventure, they like to go camping when they are not so busy at work. Camping can not only relieve stress, but also allow friends to get together and experience happiness. However, there are many things to pay attention to in camping, so you must pay special attention before camping. Only by understanding the precautions clearly can you better implement the camping plan. Next, let us learn about the precautions for camping. Before setting out, you must try to imagine the various situations you will face in the wild so that you can prepare the corresponding skills and equipment. The equipment you need for camping depends on the place, season, and number of people you are camping. The most basic things you need are a tent and a moisture-proof mat. If you are close to home, you can use the quilt at home. If you are far away, you will need a sleeping bag. If the weather For cooler rooms, you need an air mattress or air bed. If you try driving, the more camping equipment the better. If you are hiking, you also need to prepare a mountaineering bag with a good carrying system. When camping outdoors you need to pay attention to the weather, and the most important thing about outdoor sports is safety. What should I pay attention to when camping? 1. Direction Issue Before traveling, collect as much map and relevant information as possible about the activity area, and have a preliminary understanding of the major turns and obvious landmarks that will appear. When there is a contour map, the planned route and direction can be analyzed, such as: how many ridges need to be crossed, how many forks need to be passed, and the approximate rise and fall in altitude. This helps determine direction while traveling. 2. Waterproofing In rainy season or rainy areas, especially for long-term crossing, the entire activity will encounter great trouble if waterproof preparations are not sufficient. For example: there are no dry clothes to change, and cameras, batteries, food and other items are wet and damaged. Therefore, before traveling, you should learn about the climate of the activity area and make corresponding preparations. 3. Drinking water problem When traveling on a short journey, if you know that it will be difficult to replenish water, you should bring enough drinking water, about 2 liters per person per day (if you do not need to make FB meals). When traveling long distances, you can collect water from streams, rivers, lakes, and ponds along the way, but be sure to observe their pollution. Conditions, such as whether there are any human or animal activities near the water, whether there are any animal carcasses, feces or other pollutants. When there is a large amount of sediment in the water, allow the water to settle for more than 10 minutes. In areas with many leeches, use open or transparent containers to collect water. A device is used to detect leeches in the water in time. 4. Fire-making When traveling, you should carry one or more fire sources, such as lighters (various types), matches, flint, etc. If possible, it is best to bring a camping stove, gas tank or fuel tank. When making a fire in the camp, pay attention to whether the camp is a fire-free zone. Otherwise, do not violate the rules unless necessary for survival. Before making a fire, prepare some dry thin firewood (slightly thinner than chopsticks), place it on the bottom of the stove piled with stones, then put thicker firewood on top, light the thin wood and blow hard with your mouth to make the fire. Blow and burn. When it rains or the firewood is wet, you can split the thick wood to take the dry wood in the middle, and then chop it into small pieces to use as kindling (a machete or other tools are needed at this time). Camping precautions not only include the choice of campsite, but also other issues that need to be paid attention to. Therefore, it is very necessary for friends who like camping to understand some camping precautions to avoid encountering some problems during camping without any way to solve the problems. This is the consequence we least want to see. |
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