Camping is one of the activities that people like nowadays. People usually choose to camp near the hillside. As we all know, there are generally fewer residents near the hillside. Therefore, you must be fully prepared before camping. Don’t let a small detail make the camping imperfect. So what should you pay attention to when camping? First of all, you have to choose the right camping location. What other issues should you pay attention to? Camping Problems Find a safe, sheltered, dry, and flat high place to set up camp. At this time, you should pay attention to the surrounding environment, such as: whether there are falling rocks, rolling stones, wind direction, whether there are animal nests, beehives, etc. Try not to camp near a river unless you know it is the dry season and the water level will not change. The campsite should not be close to the water as there are many mosquitoes. Wildlife When traveling, you should prepare medicines such as cooling oil, wind oil, safflower oil, etc. Wearing leg wraps can effectively prevent leeches, snakes and other creatures from attacking your legs. Snake medicine can be prepared in areas where poisonous snakes are found in large numbers. Nutritional supplements During a long period of outdoor travel, physical energy is consumed a lot and sweat is produced a lot. The human body is prone to salt deficiency, electrolyte imbalance, and nutritional deficiencies, which will seriously affect physical strength and health and are sometimes even very dangerous. Therefore, it is necessary to replenish it in time. Warmth problem In many areas (such as deserts and mountainous areas), the temperature difference between day and night is large. In some areas where the altitude rises greatly, there will be a large temperature difference within a few hours (the temperature will drop as the altitude rises, -6 degrees/vertical 1000M). It is necessary to keep warm, especially after sweating a lot and before going to bed. Other related issues 1. Climbing and descending: Unless it is absolutely necessary, it is better to take a detour and walk more than to attempt dangerous climbing and descending, especially when traveling alone and carrying weight. If you must climb down, you should first remove the backpack, climb down empty-handed, and then use auxiliary ropes or belts to lift the equipment. 2. When balancing on the road through dangerous places (such as single-plank bridges, wading, cliffs, etc.), you should remember to loosen the chest strap and waist belt of the backpack to ensure that you can unload it in time and quickly to save the car. 3. Except for special areas (such as deserts), do not take the risk of walking at night. Many people get lost when visibility is very low, and it is easy to fall on the road at night. When you have to walk at night, it is best to have a headlamp with you. A flashlight will occupy one hand, which is not conducive to balance protection. 4. When wading in water and the underwater conditions are unknown, do not cross the water rashly. Try to find out as much as possible. If you have beach shoes with you, try not to wade barefoot, as it is easy to slip and get stabbed. Also be careful of the stones in the water, as they are often very slippery and you can easily fall if you are not careful. In addition, you should make a full estimate of the water flow rate before wading. 5. All visible garbage left behind should be taken away. When crossing long distances, you should at least take the non-degradable garbage with you until you find a unified garbage dump. So you must bring a garbage bag. What should I pay attention to when camping? The above answers this question one by one. As long as you like camping or already have plans for camping, you should learn more about these aspects. After all, for your own sake and to make camping more perfect, it is necessary for us to have a comprehensive understanding of camping knowledge and always keep it in mind. |
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>>: What do you need to prepare for camping?
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