Summer is the peak time for traveling. The weather is good and people are in high spirits. You should be prepared before traveling, especially for outdoor tours. The places you go to in the wild are rarely visited, so you must have some things to have fun with peace of mind and to prepare for emergencies. In addition to dressing differently from usual, you should also remember to bring some items to prevent mosquito bites, such as cooling oil, and you should also bring some personal hygiene products. As for a backpack, you can just borrow one from others first, you don’t need to buy one for now. Sleeping bag can also be replaced by a thin blanket or quilt at home, but make sure it is light. Moisture-proof mats and tents are very important, but it is best to rent or borrow them at the beginning instead of buying them. Buy them after you decide to go there often. Alcohol pot, headlamp, if you don’t have one, use a flashlight instead. Be sure to have enough batteries, and bring back the discarded batteries for disposal. A pair of sports shoes (with non-slip soles). A pair of beach shoes is kept as spare shoes in the camp for your convenience. A sturdy raincoat is not easily torn by tree branches. Sun hat. sunglasses. Synthetic fiber pants (be careful not to wear jeans, as they get wet easily, are hard to dry and are heavy, so forget about playing in the water if you wear them). Warm clothing (it’s cold at night, so keep it as a spare) Swimming suit. The above only talks about the equipment to bring. You should also be mentally prepared for the trip. First of all, you should strengthen your physical strength, especially for mountain climbing or outdoor tours. Without a good physical fitness, you may not be able to bear it. By then, you may be too tired to have any mood to play. In addition, you should also supplement your nutrition properly during exercise. Therefore, you should bring bananas or chocolates to quickly replenish your physical strength. |
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