Outdoor mountaineering bag

Outdoor mountaineering bag

When traveling outdoors, in addition to choosing some outdoor hiking shoes and luggage, an outdoor hiking bag is also something you must pay attention to when traveling. However, in our daily life, there are many types of outdoor mountaineering bags. How do we choose them? We must pay attention to the following knowledge.

When going out, hikers are choosing outdoor mountaineering bags. At this time, it is advisable to recommend some outdoor mountaineering bags with very high cost performance, as well as some women's or men's leisure bags. In addition, when we choose an outdoor mountaineering bag, we still need to choose some outdoor backpack rankings, as well as some of the most cost-effective outdoor mountaineering bag brands.

Let’s talk about the materials first. Generally, good bags choose materials like 500DCordura, which are both strong and slightly waterproof. Be sure to choose a bag base made of super-strong material. This is one of the areas most susceptible to wear and tear, so it is best to use 1000D Cordura fabric. I want a large YKK zipper. Although these things are too big and add weight, it's better to be sturdy. The carrying system must have good padding and be sturdy. It's too soft and it will be terrible when you carry a lot of things. The padding between the inner frame and your body can be a little softer, preferably a mesh material that absorbs sweat.

It would be best if the inside of the bag had an extendable "Storm Collar". When you don't need to carry a lot of stuff, your bag looks small. For example, a 95-liter bag might look like a 70-liter bag. Removable backpack cover. Once you have set up camp, you can put other things in the car or in the camp, take off the backpack cover, put the necessities inside, and you have a small backpack. A typical bag has a pocket for a sleeping bag, but if you don’t need a sleeping bag you can put something else in it.

There are actually many types of outdoor mountaineering bags. When choosing, we must choose according to our own needs. Otherwise, when we choose outdoor mountaineering bags, we must choose some more practical ones. This is very important and we must not ignore this knowledge.

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