Many people think camping is very interesting, so they want to try it without considering the precautions of camping. This is wrong. Moreover, if we have no knowledge about camping, then when we encounter problems, each of us will become helpless. Therefore, no matter what, we should understand the precautions of camping, and then be careful and cautious when camping. Building a tent camping area: If there is a tent camping area consisting of several tents, you should pay attention to the following when arranging the tents: First, all tents should face the same direction, that is, the tent doors should open in one direction and be arranged side by side. Second, the distance between tents should be no less than 1 meter, and try not to tie the wind ropes of the tents unless necessary to avoid tripping people. Third, a cordon (ditch) should be set up when necessary. Camping in the mountains may lead to attacks from threatening animals or bad people. Of course, the possibility of this is very small. You can use lime, tar or other irritating substances to draw a circle around the tent area to prevent the invasion of snakes and other reptiles. Or use electronic alarm systems and other methods. Build a fire-using dining area: Dining and fire are usually done together or in a nearby place. This area should be at a certain distance from the tent area to prevent sparks from burning the tent. The best place to cook is somewhere with earthen or stone embankments so that you can dig and build a stove. The firewood you pick up should be piled outside the area or in a upwind place. It is best to have a grassy area in the dining area for everyone to sit around, and the "dining table" can be a large flat stone or just on the ground. It is best to use stones as the "dining chair", or sit on the ground. Since the ground air is harmful to the human body, you can use your own sleeping mat or air pillow instead. Don't be afraid of trouble, at least use a raincoat or plastic sheet. Most dining times are after dark, so the location of lighting should be considered. Whether using gas lamps or other lighting methods, the lamps should be placed where they can illuminate a larger area, such as hanging them on a tree, placing them on a stone platform, or making a lamp stand to hang them up. Construct water intake areas: Water use and water intake are generally done at the water source. Washing water and drinking water should be separated. If it is flowing water, drinking water should be upstream and washing and living water should be downstream. If it is lake water, it must also be separated, and the two water use areas should be more than 10 meters apart. This division is due to hygiene needs. In addition, the river beach where you have to fetch water has many rocks and shrubs, and there are no paths to find, so you should pay attention to clearing it during the day, otherwise it will be inconvenient to fetch water at night. Build a sanitary area: The sanitary area is where the team members go to the bathroom. If you are only staying for one night, there is no need to dig a special pit toilet, you can just designate areas for men and women to relieve themselves. If there are many team members or the accommodation period is more than two days, a pit toilet should be dug and built. The temporary toilet should be built in an area with dense trees, so there is no need to draw a curtain. It is also important to note that it should not be built in places where pedestrians often pass. If there are many streams nearby, you can build a toilet on the stream. Tower two large logs over the stream. Make sure it is stable and safe. People can urinate and defecate on it and discharge the feces and urine directly into the stream. There is no need to worry about polluting the river. Small amounts of feces will be decomposed by organisms in the river or purified naturally. If a sanitary area has been built, everyone should urinate and defecate in the sanitary area, instead of defecate all over the mountain, which would ruin the scenery. If you don't know where to learn about camping precautions, you can check it online or buy some related books. Of course, during camping, you should drink water properly. Don't drink as much as you can when you see a stream or water. This is wrong. You should check where the water comes from and whether the water contains substances that are harmful to your health. |
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