Today's life is diversified, and young people, middle-aged people and old people all prefer hiking. Hiking has been very popular in recent years. As long as you have enough physical strength, you can have a lot of fun hiking and see many scenery that you can't see by public transportation. So how much do you know about the equipment you need to prepare for hiking? For hiking, adequate preparation is a must. Hiking equipment is something that assists people. Equipment can help people travel better. For example, when hiking, you must wear a pair of comfortable shoes. The most important equipment for hiking is a backpack, shoes and walking sticks. The first thing I should introduce is shoes. Hiking depends entirely on your feet, so you must wear a pair of good shoes, professional hiking shoes. 1. Hiking shoes are waterproof and breathable, reducing sweating. 2. Hiking shoes are generally designed to be light to reduce the burden. 3. The stability and strength of the shoes are much better than ordinary shoes. There are many types of hiking shoes. The most important thing is to make sure they fit your feet well and are comfortable to wear so that you can have a good walk. Backpacks are also very important during hiking. All necessary items for travel must be carried in a backpack. At this time, you need to consider how big the backpack is needed. Generally, a 40L backpack is enough for short and medium trips. If you need to travel long distances, you should need a backpack of about 60L. In addition to choosing the size of a backpack, the most important thing is to choose a professional one. A professional backpack can make you comfortable and reduce the pressure of carrying. The choice of walking pole also depends on the distance and the weight you carry. If it is just a short distance, there is no need to use it. If you are walking a long distance, you definitely need a good walking pole to help you share the pressure. A good trekking pole can improve walking stability and reduce the burden on the legs. The above is an introduction to hiking equipment. I believe that after reading it, everyone will understand the use of the equipment. The above equipment are just some of them. If you really need to go hiking, it is recommended that you find good information and have sufficient equipment before setting off. This is the best way to ensure safety. |
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