Mountaineering is a particularly beneficial sport. It is not only good for our body, but also good for our will. It will cultivate our sentiments and give us a feeling of conquering nature. However, when hiking, you also need to prepare some necessary equipment, especially clothes. Let's take a look at what equipment is needed for hiking. 1. Hiking shoes. For hiking and mountaineering, the most important thing is a pair of suitable and good quality hiking shoes. The soles of hiking shoes must have strong grip (with deep convex and concave patterns) to avoid accidentally falling when it rains or in flowing water. In summer, you can buy a pair of river trekking shoes, as they are necessary for wading. In winter, waterproof quality is required. It is recommended to buy shoes one size larger than your feet to facilitate movement. I won’t discuss the brands, you can choose from Decathlon, TNF, Columbia, etc. 2. Quick-drying clothes and pants. When exercising outdoors, the amount of exercise increases dramatically, and the amount of sweating also increases accordingly. It was very uncomfortable when clothes were soaked with sweat and stuck to the body. In order to get rid of the uncomfortable feeling of a lot of sweat accumulating on the skin surface, many friends choose to wear "comfortable and breathable" pure cotton clothing. In fact, pure cotton clothing can only absorb sweat and is not breathable, so it is not suitable for wearing during exercise. Quick-drying clothes with good performance can guide sweat to the surface of the clothes, so that the sweat can evaporate quickly and restore the body's comfort. When spring and summer turn around and autumn is not too cold, quick-drying clothes and pants are very good choices. 3. Jacket and pants. It is basically not used in summer and is mainly suitable for cold weather. The material of the jacket must be windproof, waterproof, breathable and other requirements. You can choose a single piece or a three-in-one according to your needs (the three-in-one has a fleece liner, which is suitable for winter wear). For color, try to choose bright colors~ 4. Trekking poles. It is also one of the very necessary equipment. It can improve the stability of hiking and mountaineering and reduce the burden on the legs. Studies have shown that using trekking poles while walking can reduce the force applied to the muscles and joints of the legs and knees by at least 22%, making the legs feel more comfortable! And using two trekking poles at the same time can provide better balance and make the muscles of the two legs more balanced. Friends who don’t have time to prepare trekking poles can also use local materials in the wild. Using wooden sticks as trekking poles is also a good choice. The above-mentioned equipment are indispensable when hiking. This will also make us feel lighter when hiking. In addition, we also need food and daily necessities when hiking. This must be carefully prepared before we climb. At the same time, we must also pay attention to safety when hiking. |
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