Choosing a pair of shoes that suits us can make us walk or exercise more easily. However, we can always see various hiking shoes and mountaineering shoes in our daily life. Many people think that hiking shoes are particularly comfortable to wear, so they will wear them when climbing. In fact, this is a very wrong practice. There is a certain difference between hiking shoes and hiking shoes, and hiking shoes can better protect the ankles. Let's learn about the difference between hiking shoes and mountaineering shoes. What is the difference between hiking shoes and mountaineering shoes? The difference between mountaineering shoes and trekking shoes: trekking shoes are generally low-waisted, because they are designed for walking on areas with better road conditions and for long periods of time, so the protection provided by the soles of hiking shoes is to protect your feet from sweat and breathability, which is an important reason why hiking shoes can be worn as casual wear in the city; mountaineering shoes are all high-waisted, which can protect your ankles from sprains on uneven roads, and more importantly, the soles of hiking shoes are harder in texture. When buying outdoor shoes, whether they are mountaineering shoes or hiking shoes, there is the same principle, that is, the toes should be extended to the front and there should be a finger-width distance behind the heel. This is the constant standard when trying on shoes in a physical outdoor store. Why do we have to leave space for outdoor shoes instead of buying them so that they fit just right? Because the feet will become a little longer during exercise, many friends who wear ordinary shoes cannot notice it, but our outdoor shoes are designed with shock absorption in mind when going downhill, so the toes generally do not touch the ground. Therefore, any slight change in the foot can be felt when wearing outdoor shoes, because the toe of the shoe will hit the toes after the foot swells, and the toe of outdoor shoes has anti-kick protection and is generally hard in texture. It will feel very painful when the toes hit the toe of the shoe. This is why you should choose larger outdoor shoes. The above is an introduction to the difference between hiking shoes and mountaineering shoes. After understanding, we know that mountaineering shoes are generally higher than hiking shoes, and the soles are harder, which can avoid foot injuries and prevent slipping when climbing. Therefore, we must also choose appropriate shoes when exercising, so that we can better protect the body. |
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