Outdoor hiking shoes

Outdoor hiking shoes

Hiking shoes are a type of shoes worn for outdoor sports and have become a must-have for travel. For people who travel, it is very important to have a pair of good outdoor hiking shoes. However, when buying hiking shoes, it is best to buy a pair of shoes made of a single piece of leather, which will last a long time without losing its shape, and the effect is very good.

If you can have a pair of good outdoor hiking shoes, it can help you walk without resistance when doing outdoor sports. No matter how much you are carrying or how much pressure you are under, your feet will not be easily injured due to the protection of the hiking shoes. However, many people don’t know much about the cleaning of outdoor hiking shoes. Let me introduce it to you below.

The uppers of outdoor hiking shoes are generally made of leather. They should be kept clean after wearing. Avoid contact with any adhesives or thick mud. Let the wind dry and clean them. Do not use fire to dry hiking shoes, as the leather will dry out and wrinkle and the adhesive is heat-sensitive and can melt the soles of the boots. Spray fungicide inside the boots to prevent mildew and deodorize. Clean socks and clean feet. Keeping feet clean is a very important matter. It is best to wear two pairs of socks, one pair of wool socks and the other pair of synthetic fibers. This can reduce the friction between the socks. The thin socks on the inner layer will transfer sweat to the thick socks on the outer layer for absorption and the thick socks can be insulated from the pads of hiking shoes. Don't choose socks that are too thick (oppressing the toes) or too thin (leaving too much space for the feet to rub against the soles of the boots and cause blisters).

During the walking process, water will penetrate from the shoe opening and seams. It is best to use gaiters to prevent water from penetrating from the boot opening. Waterproofing agents can improve the waterproofness of the upper and seams. Newly purchased hiking shoes must be repeatedly coated with waterproofing agents for a period of time. At the same time, the hiking shoes must be kept dry and clean. Waterproofing agents must be applied to seams and pinholes. Waterproofing agents must be applied to the uppers one to two days before the activity to allow the leather to absorb it completely. The leather is dark brown, and pay attention to the manufacturer's precautions for use. Nylon hiking shoes are not easy to be waterproof due to their many pores. Silicone derivatives (silicon-based) sprays can be used. Regardless of any boots, they must be kept dry.

Properly maintained hiking shoes can be used for several years. They should be cleaned frequently to avoid mildew. After each cleaning, use a shoe fork or newspaper to keep the inside of the boots dry. Avoid high temperatures during the drying process of the hiking shoes. The soles of the boots wear faster than the uppers. Generally, high-priced hiking shoes can have replacement soles. Newer soles will be tighter because the uppers have changed their original size. Regardless of whether you choose a suitable pair of hiking shoes, you still need to try wearing them for a few days of walking, walking for a few hours a day near your home, gradually increasing the distance. If blisters appear on the soles of your feet, try adding an extra pair of socks. If blisters appear on the tops of your feet, try wearing an extra pair of socks. Wear thinner socks or remove the insole. If the heel is rubbed, tie the shoelaces tightly. If the ankle is bruised, do not tie the shoelaces to the metal hook groove at the top. If all else fails, change the shoes and read the manufacturer's instructions for use and maintenance carefully.

When choosing outdoor hiking shoes, don't make a blind choice and don't think that expensive ones are good. Only those that suit you and are comfortable to wear are the best. Different sports require different hiking shoes, of course, including mountain hiking shoes, etc. It is also important to note that it is important to choose shoes that are waterproof.

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>>:  Outdoor sports shoes


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