What should we pay attention to when we are in the wild? Only when we pay attention to these matters can we relax our minds more when camping and get safety when camping. If we like camping, but this camping is not safe at all, then it will be very harmful to our body. There are many things we need to pay attention to when camping, so as to avoid these bad symptoms. So what are the matters that we should pay attention to when camping in the wild? 1. Choice of camping site: The selection and construction of camping sites are major issues related to the rest of all personnel. The selection of campsites is very particular. The following are some precautions: Proximity to water: Camping and resting cannot be separated from water, and proximity to water is the first factor in choosing a campsite. Therefore, when choosing a campsite, you should choose one near a stream, lake, or river so that you can get water. However, you cannot set up camp on the river beach. There are power plants upstream of some rivers. During the water storage period, the river beach is wide and the water flow is small. Once the water is released, the river beach will be full. This also includes some streams, which are usually small. Once it rains heavily, there is a possibility of heavy flooding or flash floods. You must pay attention to prevent this problem, especially in the rainy season and in areas prone to flash floods. Far cliff: When setting up camp, do not set up the camp under a cliff. This is very dangerous. Once there is a strong wind on the mountain, rocks and other objects may be blown down, causing casualties. Close to the village: If the camp is close to the village, you can ask the villagers for help in case of emergency. This is even more important when there is no firewood, vegetables, food, etc. It is close to the village and also a shortcut, that is, close to the road, which facilitates the team's movement and transfer. Shade: If the camp needs to be stayed for more than two days, you should choose a shady place to camp in good weather conditions, such as under a big tree or on the north side of a mountain. It is best to camp in the morning sun rather than the setting sun. This way, if you rest during the day, the tent won't be too stuffy. Lightning protection: During the rainy season or in areas with frequent lightning, the camp must not be set up on high ground, under tall trees, or on relatively isolated flat ground. That would easily lead to being struck by lightning. Building a camp After the campsite is selected, it is time to build the campsite. Especially for outdoor camping sites of a certain scale, the construction of the entire camp is particularly important, which can be divided into the following steps: Level the site: Clean the selected tent area and remove stones, shrubs and other uneven, thorny and pointed objects. Uneven areas can be filled with soil or grass. If it is a slope, it can generally be used as a camping site as long as the slope is no more than 10 degrees. It is best to pay attention to these aspects when camping. There is also a very important point to note, that is, you must stay away from windy places when camping. If you make a fire by yourself, it is easy for the flames to float, and your tent will also be easy to burn. It is very important to choose a place and prepare the tools you need to carry when camping, and you must bring them all. |
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